The art of tapping into creativity to attract talent is a core strategic asset. Yet, the challenge lies in the science of transforming imaginative marketing campaigns into systematic, impactful strategies that impact recruitment outcomes. 

Join Celinda Appleby, Visa’s Global Director of Talent Attraction, and Annie Lux, Director of Talent Strategy and Brand at Cedar, as they unpack the process of taking talent marketing from concept to operational success. 

And this isn't just for the marketing or brand folks. This conversation is for anyone involved in shaping company culture and strategy and will offer practical insights for anyone involved in the hiring process.

What You'll Learn:

  • What's keeping our panelists (and probably you) up at night? Let's talk about it.

  • How do we turn great ideas into campaigns that really attract the right candidates and meet our company goals?

  • What numbers should we be watching to make sure our strategies are working?

  • How can we grow successful strategies and adjust them when things in the market or your company change?

Understanding the strategic application of talent marketing and brand is crucial, regardless of your role. Whether you're driving HR initiatives, overseeing team dynamics, or guiding company strategies, these insights will help you.

WTF in Recruiting: The art and science of talent marketing | Image
Celinda Appleby
Celinda Appleby

Celinda Appleby

Global Director Talent Attraction

Annie Lux
Annie Lux

Annie Lux

Director, Talent Strategy & Brand